The Changing Landscape of Women's Health with Kath Berry


Controlling how you decide to show up in the patriarchal world as a menopausal woman, is really up to you.

You do know that YOU get to decide don't you?  In some countries, that choice is taken away, so if you DO have the choice, honour it and use it wisely.  

Want to stick to bedroom activism instead?  I'm right there with you.
 Want to wear oversized prints, enormous earrings and red lipstick?  Do it.
 Want to have casual sex with someone younger?  Try it.  
 What to just sleep all day this Sunday?  Do it.

This life changing conversation with Kath Berry put some fire back in my belly and I did not expect this conversation to end up where it did!  

Kath Berry is an Acupuncture Educator with over 25 years of clinical experience.  She also has a Masters Degree in Drug and Alcohol Addiction Medicine and is now the co-author of a text book called Menopause: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners.

In today's...

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How Menopause Can Help Us Reclaim Our Authenticity

Something’s been grinding my gears. I’m starting to take issue with the so called self development world that does more harm than good in some cases.  If you've seen the Amazon Prime Documentary, The Vow, you'll know what I’m referring to.
Having been a self confessed self development junkie since I was 14 years old, I'm now starting to see how this influence can do some damage to our authenticity especially when it comes to being able to navigate the menopause transition in a healthy way.  
Authenticity says "Hey you...I like you... be more you.... that feeling you're feeling, that's ok... lean into it, listen to it, respect it, honour it, talk about, slow down."Self development says "Hey you... I like you... but you need to be more X....because that feeling you're feeling is holding you back from something much greater.  That feeling is blocking your success and you want more success don't...
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Mast Cell Activation Syndrome with Tracey Reed


If you're curious about the place inside of us where the mind and body come together, then look no further than the fascinating subject of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.  

When we take a look at MCAS what we're REALLY looking at, is the junction between the immune system and the nervous system.  

Fascinating though it is, symptoms of MCAS can be incredibly annoying and often difficult to make sense of, and to top it all off, at menopause we become a little more susceptible to our Mast Cells becoming agitated leading to this pick and mix of symptoms.  

My guest today is Tracey Reed who is the co-founder of Histamine Haven along with Luka Symmons.  She is a Certified Holistic Nutritional Consultant, an instructor at the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition and the recipient of the 2018 Clinical Excellence Award.

In this episode we discuss: 

What is Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)?

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Breaking Through Auto Immune Issues with VJ Hamilton


Why is menopause a risk factor for increased auto immune issues?  

In today's episode we'll find out.  

My guest today, VJ Hamilton, was just seven years old when she first discovered a patch of alopecia at the back of her head.  While there was a genetic component to this, during her adult life, her symptoms become worse, ranging from joint pain to extreme fatigue and psoriasis. 

Unable to resign herself to the fact that there was nothing she could do, she decided to take matters into her own hands.  

Today, after 7 years, she lives symptom free. 

VJ is a autoimmune nutritionist and in our conversation together we discussed:

 How our hormone changes can make trigger auto immune issues.
 Symptoms of auto immune issues.
 How a functional approach can help you become symptom free.
 Swapping handbags for health.
 How to keep healthy practices up for the long term.
 The genetic component of auto immune...

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Understanding Sleep Apnea with Emma Cooksey


My guest today, Emma Cooksey, was diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea at the age of 30, after more than a decade of unexplained health problems.

Once diagnosed, she felt incredibly alone while navigating life with sleep apnea and adjusting to CPAP therapy.

After learning a great deal she began hosting a weekly podcast, “Sleep Apnea Stories.”

By sharing her journey and encouraging others to tell their stories, Emma has been breaking down stereotypes of sleep apnea while also raising awareness of symptoms and treatment options.

During our conversation today we touch on: 

What's it like doing a sleep study
  What are they measuring during a sleep study
  What exactly is sleep apnea
  Symptoms of sleep apnea
  Treatments for sleep apnea
  Risk factors for sleep apnea
  Why does it seem to come up at menopause
  Nervous system implications
 So listen now if you're ready to enjoy gaining some new knowledge.

Emma's Links:...

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Becoming Menopause Friendly with Melissa MacGowan


If  you had to choose between quitting a job you've been working towards your whole life or staying there even though your meno symptoms make it hell on earth, what would you choose?

My guest today couldn't believe she was at that crossroad in her life when no 'third option' presented itself.

Stunned at the discrimination and lack of understanding, she decided to take matters into her own hands.

Melissa MacGowan is an ex C-Suite Executive and now the found of the Meno Collective, a membership that supports people who want to become better educated at menopause whether in the workplace or outside.  

During our conversation today we touch on: 

The struggle to get clarity around menopause.
Unconscious bias around what menopause actually means.
Quit or carry on?  Is there a third option?
Menopause/age discrimination in the workplace.
Menopause denial.
The 12 stages of burnout model.
What is 'Meno-whelm'?
Carrying the...

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Overcoming Fear of Happiness


I want you to be happy.  Really happy.  I want you to be able to harbour so much love, joy, freedom and happiness.

But can you?

Do you really want it?

You might be thinking, what a stupid question!  Of course I want happiness.  Doesn't everyone?

And the answer to that might surprise you. 

In today's episode of the menopause mindset podcast we discuss something called Cherophobia or fear of happiness.

We look at how it shows up, why it's in your life, what you can do about it and the consequences of not dealing with it for you and your menopause transition. 

So if you're ready to improve your mental and emotional wellbeing, then this episode is your you.

Learn more about The Sleep Super Power Academy
Watch How to Make Sleep Your Super Power
Brene Brown on Joy with Oprah Winfrey

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Childlessness, The Conversation with Jody Day


Childlessness can be a black cloud for people approaching menopause and you'll notice it has been missing from this podcast.  There's a reason for that.   It's because, up until now, I had no idea how to talk about it (and I'm childless!)  So can you imagine how people WITH children must feel? 

We skirt around the edges or worse still unconsciously insult and shame childless people with 'bingos' like 'oh well, you could always adopt'.  

Not many of us have the vocabulary to talk about childlessness empathetically, because we have been marinaded in something called Pronatalism (which you will learn about in today's episode). 

Jody Day is an insightful philosopher and the founder of Gateway Women, a global community of over 2 million, supporting involuntary childless women through their grief.  

In this episode we cover:

Being childless at Christmas
Childlessness and childfree as a...

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How to Have More Energy


I was hanging by a thread, like a piece of over rip fruit about to fall from the tree and go splat on the floor.  Heavy and lethargic.  No energy to lift a finger let alone think about what to cook for dinner. 

Energy is a precious resource, but the good news is, it's renewable, unlike time.  Once time is gone, it's gone, you can't get it back but energy can be renewed.  All we have to do is plug back in. 

But how?

This episode of The Menopause Mindset Podcast is a demonstration of how that is possible.... literally. 

The entire episode was improvised from start to finish, not because I was lazy and didn't want to write any notes, but because I've been able to generate so much energy over the last couple of days, my mind was clear and my heart was full. 

Since a friend pulled me up on my waining energy levels, I've been making a concerted effort to problem solve this issue and I'm delighted to bring you my musings. 

In this...

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How to Ease and Manage Joint Pain


Are you creaking like a haunted house every time you get up from the sofa?  Moving around like you’re 101 is no fun (especially when you’re only 45)! 

Joint pain & stiffness is one of the lesser known symptoms of peri menopause. 

This is for you if: 

You’re approaching mid life and your joints are aching more than normal.  You’re unaware that joint pain and stiffness is a symptom of peri menopause.  You’re worried about joint pain and stiffness and wondering what you can do about it.   You’re interested in the underlying emotional reason for joint stiffness. 

In this episode we go through 7 things we can do to help. 

We discuss: 

physiotherapy, the pros and cons. 
what type of movement you need to be doing 
the underlying emotion imbalance and 
we discuss an interesting experiment which highlights how unconscious...

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