Learning to be comfortable in my own skin has been my greatest achievement
Hello There. I'm glad you're doing your due diligence before working with me. It's important you understand who you're working with. So let me explain.
I’m a multi award winning Clinical Hypnotherapist trained in Rapid Transformational Therapy and to this day I’ve served hundreds of clients. I was an early adopter of this method in 2017 and I trained with world renowned therapist Marisa Peer.
I continue my learning every day by consuming audio books. Some of favourite authors are: Gabor Mate, Johann Hari, Esther Perel, Nicole Le Pera, Jody Day, Dr Amir Levine, David R Hamilton, Kate Codrington, Dr Mindy Pelz, William Whitecloud, Gretchen Rubin, David Robson, Eileen McKusick and Maisie Hill to name a few.
I try to take a balanced view between collectivism and individualism which is often challenging in today's capitalist society, however I aim to take a 360 degree view of life.
I’m hugely passionate about every single client that walks through my door or enters my zoom room. My vast array of knowledge, skills and expertise have been generated as a direct result of working deeply, on a 121 basis, with so many clients through my adult working life.
Before I became an RTT therapist I was (and still am) a singing teacher. Singing is a powerful tool for growth and change.
I became interested in the menopause transition because perimenopause hit me like a ton of bricks when I was 38 and then again when I was 42, but what I didn’t realise was that the menopause transition wasn’t just about the pathology of declining hormones. It's a complete inner life transition.
Even though I certified in Peri to Post Menopausal Wellness in 2019 it was only later that I began to fully understand the ‘medicine of menopause.’ Perimenopause (including all my symptoms both mental, physical, emotional and circumstantial) have lead me to living more authentically.
Becoming a therapist, combined with the menopause transition, instigated a deep change in my personality and a monumental shift in my inner identity.
I am hugely passionate about the power of the midlife crisis (for all genders). Even though it feels like hell when we are going through it, it has the potential to catapult our lives so much, that we hardly recognise ourselves when we look back.
You might be interested to know that I have had lived experience of dealing with and navigating:
Anxiety - low mood - insomnia - disordered eating - body image issues - perfectionism - people pleasing - fear of public speaking - money blocks - anxious/avoidant attachment - sexual issues - workaholism and degenerative disc disease.
I'm proud to say that I've spoken alongside world renowned nutritionist Marylin Glenville, I've been interviewed in Coach magazine, delivered multiple talks for the fire service about menopause and founded and sold Inspiring Talks Brighton. I've also interviewed Meg Matthews on my podcast!!
I've very proud of those things but honestly, it's my clients who I'm most proud of. I know that it takes courage to invest in RTT and I don't take your decision to work with me lightly.
Work Experience
Clinical Hypnotherapist/RTT Therapist [2017 - present day]
Vocal Coach & Singing Teacher [2001 - present day]
Course Content Creator [2021 to present day]
Host of The Menopause Mindset Podcast [2020 - present day]
Host of What The Bleep is Behaviour Change Anyway Podcast [2023 - present]
Mindset Mentor for Wellness Practitioners inside The Wellness Entrepreneur Collective [2020 - 2022]
Founder of Inspiring Talks Brighton [2017 - 2019]
Session singer [2006 - 2016]
Songwriter [2008 - 2017]
Aerobics teacher [2002 - 2006]
Beauty and Holistic Therapist (including Reiki) [1998 - 2003]
Trauma Informed Practitioner ITOL Accredited with Will Thomas [May 202]
Certified Space Holding Practitioner ITC Accredited with The Centre For Transformational Coaching [2023]
Ethical Entrepreneurship Level 1 with Ash Riley & Margarit Davtian [2023]
Behaviour Change for Healthcare Practitioners with The Psychology School [2023]
Award in Education and Training Level 3 with The Mind Gig [2022]
Sleep Mastery with Mindvalley [2021]
The Copy Caboose with Tarzan Kay [2021]
A Journey Through the Seven Chakras with Kirsty Kianifard [2020]
The Wellness Entrepreneur Academy with Kirsty Kianifard [2019]
3rd Age Woman - Peri to Post Menopausal Wellness with Burrell Education [2019]
Advanced Rapid Transformational Therapist and Clinical Hypnotherapist with The Marisa Peer School [2017]
Theta Healing with Danica Apoline [2015]
First Class BA(Hons) in Professional Musicianship at BIMM [2011 - 2014]
Diploma in Popular Music Performance at Vocaltech Vocal School [2001]
RSA Diploma in Exercise to Music at The London College of Fashion [2000]
NLP Practitioner with Stenhouse Consultancy [1999]
Various Short Courses with International Dermal Institute - [1999]
HND in Beauty Therapy at The London College of Fashion [1997-1999]

Transparency, Values & Privileges
My Values Are….
Learning to live authentically has resulted in me letting go of over performing, softening my edges and fearlessly speaking my truth.
Providing clarity in all of my communications is of paramount importance to me. I prefer you to be fully aware of my scope of practice; how you will see the change you’re investing in and the boundaries of our relationship. All clients that work with me will be asked to sign some terms of engagement.
Whilst I do share some personal details about my private life on social media and in my podcast, I do this very mindfully and with authenticity in order help others. Also, my daily routine is very precious to me, it’s what enables me to function and serve my clients in the way that I do. Therefore I maintain a solid work/life balance.
The information that I take on must be backed up by either mainstream science, garage/fringe science or plenty of anecdotes from people who have not been heavily influenced in one direction or another. I then take a step back before I decide if it will form part of my belief system.
In my 20’s and 30’s I was all about adventure and reckless behaviour, but now I’m in my late 40’s there’s a deep desire in me to feel safe, secure, grounded and level headed.
Apart from my husband, friendships are the foundation of my security and happiness. I value the friendships that I have and always make time for them. I am a little wary of ‘tribes’ as I believe that these can quickly and easily turn into cults without anyone being aware of what’s happening. Hypnosis is a powerful thing!
“I might not be right”, is an expression I often consider. Being open to learning different perspectives, models of reality and new ways of thinking is the juice that keeps my therapy practice alive. I balance this with a sturdy trust in the knowledge and experience I have already gained.
I accept that I am a messy human that doesn’t always get things right. My intention is to always act with integrity and honesty to the best of my ability.
My Manifesto is…
- To change the way we move through any crisis, transition or rite of passage from an ‘I’m broken’ perspective to an ‘I’m breaking open to let the light in’ perspective.
- To facilitate people living more rhythmically and in tune with the natural rhythms of being human.
- To inspire people to know that change is possible via envisioning, will power, sub conscious reprogramming, knowledge, questioning, holding space and agency.
Sales Transparency
- RTT is not part of an MLM scheme. You will not get a referral fee if you recommend someone to me and I will not try to enrol you into an RTT trainer programme.
- I do not guarantee your transformation when you work with me, despite me having a very high success rate.
- You may have heard the expression ‘data mining’ which is used on discovery calls with some coaches to create a sales pitch that matches your pain points. For clarity, an RTT consultation with me DOES need to gather a great deal of information but this information is used to prep your session should you decide to go ahead. It is NOT used to create a sales pitch. The way I sell RTT is the same for every client and is based on HOW the session works rather than empty future promises aka 'future faking'.
- You will not be asked for payment at the end of our consultation and, should you decide to book, you will be sent a link to pay.
- You will of course be covered by the 14 day cooling off period from the day after you make payment.
Who have I been influenced by.
To honour the lineage of the work I do, I feel it important to be transparent about who has influenced me so that you can better understand my perspective. First to say that this section of the page was inspired and influenced by Wellness Business Coach Vicky Shilling https://vickyshilling.com/
I originally came into spirituality at age 14 and was highly influenced by the likes of Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Doreen Virtue, Dianna Cooper, Marianne Williamson, Brandon Bays, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Bentinho Massaro and Abraham Hicks.
Since training with Marisa Peer my influence has become more grounded in psychology & neuroscience and today my influence includes: Gabor Mate, David Ley, Deb Dana, Johann Hari, Nicole Le Pera, David R Hamilton, Ken Adams, Emily Fletcher, Vishan Lakiani, Brene Brown, Joshua Wolrich, Harville Hendrix, Michael A Singer, Esther Perel, Nedra Glover Tawwab and Dr Michael Brues to name a few.
The business/life coaches I been influenced by are Tony Robbins, Jen Sincero, Marie Forleo, Amy Porterfield, Kirsty Kianifard, Will Smith, Greg McKeown, Stephen Bartlett and Gretchen Rubin. It was Lucy Rowett and Rachel B Turner who taught me about the value of trauma informed marketing.
Privilege and Bias
Family and Education
I have two parents who are still together. I grew up in a white middle class area on the boarders of South East London and Kent. I have been educated to degree level. My mother and father owned their own shop for 30 years selling motorbikes. Both my parents have come from working class backgrounds. I am half Sicilian.
I have been financially supported by my parents which has enabled me to get on the property ladder, fund my education and explore different career avenues.
I am a white female and I understand that comes with privileges. I am still in the process of deconstructing my own racial bias which is ongoing. Being half Sicilian I experienced some minor racial harassment at school.
I was not raised with any particular faith, but I spent many formative days with my grandparents who were Salvation Army. I am now a healthy skeptic.
I am a size 14-16 and have a healthy body image. I have experienced disordered eating in the past but now have a healthy relationship to food via intuitive eating. I have experienced fat shaming and fat phobia by proxy as my mother exists in a larger body.
I have no clinical mental health conditions and do not take any medication other than HRT. I believe that medication is extremely helpful for some people and I am pro choice when it comes to this.
I am in good health physically with no chronic conditions apart from degenerative disc disease on L5 S1 of which I had surgery for in 2010. I have been working with a personal trainer since October 2019 and since then I have been relatively pain free.
I am married to a man however I consider myself to have a ‘queer’ soul and I am an LGBTQIA ally. I have been in same sex relationships and consider myself to be number 2 on the Kinsey Scale.
Being a childlessness woman I often experience emotional bypassing especially at social gatherings. I am deeply concerned about how our society expects people to manage ageing without children and I believe more support needs to be in place to help accommodate this.
Modern Day Slavery Statement
I do not enter into business with any organisation, which knowingly supports, or is found to be involved in slavery, servitude or forced or compulsory labour. I am also committed to creating and ensuring a non-discriminatory and respectful working environment for the people I collaborate with and hire.