How can you create harmony in your relationship if you both exist in different paradigms?

Many partners these days spend a lot of time (while together) on social media each being drawn further and further into their own paradigm creating a schism in their relational bubble proving it harder and harder to coexist in real life due to massive differences in thinking (phew that was a long sentence!). 


And did you know relational disharmony massively increases feelings of anxiety, so it's worth investing some time in to get right.


Creating harmony in such a relationship can be incredibly challenging unless both parties are willing to actively come out of their paradigms in participate in the paradigm of their relationship on a regular basis (how often needs to be agreed). 


It requires:  a recognition of what is going on, a willingness to participate in the relationship and the environment of the relationship (ie the home), open communication, mutual respect, and a stretch to understand and appreciate each other's perspectives. 


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How To Achieve More Embodied Pleasure with Jem Ayres


When did we last award someone for being the most orgasmic, pleasure centred human? 

Answer: erm... never.

So where are we supposed to get our inspiration from when it comes to giving ourselves permission to feel good?  Where are the role models?

Enter:  Jem Ayres.  

Jem is a Sexological Bodyworker who pleasured her way out of Stage 4 cancer (along with all the conventional treatments of course).

In this conversation we talk about:

Recovering from Stage 4 cancer
The health benefits of orgasm
Full body orgasm vs genital orgasm
How we learn to 'tolerate' suffering
Do we even look up to role models who endorse pleasure?
How to ensure that chaos can’t touch you
Self development as a 'body' pursuit not just a 'mind' pursuit
Trusting & listening your own body vs the people around you telling you what to feel
Finding pleasure even in pain
Arousal and pleasure are two separate things.
The old idea of sex needing to end in orgasm
Accessing pleasure...

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3 Ways To Improve Sex in Your Relationship During The Menopause Transition


One of my girlfriends told me the other day "honestly, I'd rather do some DIY than have sex with my partner."  I wonder if you've ever had that feeling?  As we get older, sex changes... it's not like it used to be... and that's ok.  But it's important we address the issue because good sex has a multitude of health benefits which can actually make menopause easier. 

If you're drawn to this:
Maybe you don't fancy your partner like you're used to.
Maybe you've lost your body confidence.
Maybe you find it hard to open up.
Maybe you're overthinking sex.
Maybe your libido has hit rock bottom. 

In this training video we go through 3 mindset things (plus one practical thing) that we can do to help get things moving in the bedroom.  

Sally xx

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