Treating People NOT Just Lab Results with Ricky Brandon


What's it like when you're told that your lab results are 'normal' but you feel far from it? 

It might offer temporary relief but you go back into your life and before long, you feel awful again. 

Your intuition is telling you that things are far from normal.  

So what is really going on here?  

My guest today is Ricky Brandon, founder of The Hormone Balance Centres in the USA.  After years of searching, thousands of hours in training, research, and trial, and error, he has finally landed on the process and system that mixes traditional medicine with alternative medicine and helps people feel great again and live younger and longer with natural hormone replacement therapy.

In today's conversation we discuss: 

Why UNDERSTANDING is power when it comes to your health.
 Embracing symptoms rather than fearing them.
 The restrictions that tight protocol creates for traditional doctors when dealing with hormones. 

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Why Winter Is A Powerful Time of Year For Menopause


What if this time of year was THE most powerful time of year for menopause? 

In today's episode I talk about a new book I'm reading which is helping me tap into my creative genius (and what that means for menopause).  

I also talk about how much I'm loving the stillness and quietude that exists at the moment as a result of the hunkering down caused by winter and the change in people's economic circumstances.  I

also briefly talk about a gorgeous yoga workshop retreat I went on and what I learnt from that.   

It's a very paired back episode today but hopefully it will inspire you to go within and reflect on the stirrings of your own inner magic.

How to Make The Most Out Of The Winter Solstice:

Buy Me A Coffee:
[Free] Relaxation Hypnosis Recording:
[Free] Sleep Hypnosis Recording: ...

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Why You Need To Be Menopause Informed with Katie Taylor


Do you ever wonder why there's so much talk of HRT these days?  

A few weeks ago I posted a reel at my distain for the amount of HRT 'pushing' I was seeing on social media  but after my conversation with Katie Taylor, now I know why that is. 

It's because the pendulum needed to swing so far the other way.

The immense fear of HRT caused by the flawed WHI study meant that women's medical health has been paralysed.  And the force with which my guest (and others in her field) have had to fight, has literally swung the pendulum the other way.  

Go them!  It needed to happen to mobilise women's health care.  

My guest today, Katie Taylor, is a fighting spirit among the campaigning community to make menopause matter.  She's the CEO of the Latte Lounge (a free Facebook community and low cost private membership) and the organiser of The Midlife Festival.  

In our conversation today we covered: 


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Health at Every Size with Claudine Nightingill-Rane


Hating your body is a choice that you have been hypnotised into by diet culture.  It's totally unnecessary and feels bad to your soul.  If you've put weight on during menopause or you've always been curvy, you CAN learn to accept your body right now AND you can be healthy at every size.  

Sound controversial?  Damn right it is. 

My guest today is Claudine Nightingill-Rane.  She's a body image, mindset and blue health coach and she works with women to help heal their relationship with themselves and their bodies so they can be happy and healthy as they are.

In today's conversation we talk about: 

The mental pain of yoyo dieting
Lifestyle changes can be diets too
How you THINK you look vs how you ACTUALLY look
The slow process of learning to accept your body
BMI - a flawed tool - aka The Bulls**t Measurement Index
The torture of fat shaming
Reclaiming the word FAT
Shrinking your body is a choice and you don't have to do it
The one big...

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Treating Menopause With Vibrational Medicine


Some of the hormone disruptors that we might not think about are electro magnetic frequencies, unresolved childhood trauma and our self sabotaging beliefs.

But they really are, maybe not directly, but they are all stressors and stressors play havoc with the orchestra that is our endocrine system.

My guest today is Melissa Ayres a homeopath, a Theta Healing Practitioner and a menopause coach. 

In today's episode we discuss: 

Homeopathy for menopause
What is homeopathy
The 5 key disruptors of hormones health.
Re-defining 'Pre Menstrual Tension'
Stress and the effects on menopause
The other role of progesterone
Electro Magnetic Frequencies and how they affect our wellbeing
Beliefs as vibration
Getting to the bottom of the beliefs that sabotage us
Theta Healing for menopause - clearing the ancestral wounds
Being ready to heal deeply

So if you're ready to change up your energy, this episode is for you.

Melissa's LInk:
Instagram @melissajayres


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Changing Your Mind With Hypnotherapy


If you want a therapy that works, try hypnotherapy.  Hypnotherapy is becoming one of the worlds most sought after therapies because of its ability to work deep into our conditioning and affect change very quickly.

I call it a no nonsense therapy.  It gets right in there and right out again. 

In today's episode I had the pleasure of talking to a fellow hypnotherapist about the profound work we do.  

Sonia Samtani is CEO of the All About You wellness centre in Hong Kong, she's 2 x TEDX speaker, published author and NLP trainer (and of course, she's a very busy hypnotherapist).

In today's episode of The Menopause Mindset Podcast we discuss:

Conclusions that we come to about ourselves based on the messages we received.
 The importance of asking why [why = wisdom].
 Identifying the triggers that result in a cascade of negative thinking.
 The difference between regression therapy and suggestion placement therapy.

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The Medicine of Menopause


Many people try and medicate menopause away with HRT and whilst, in many cases HRT really does help to get us back on track, there is a deeper message behind the menopause transition that often gets overlooked.  In this episode I'm going to help you peel back some of the layers to enable you to gain a much deeper understanding of what menopause is trying to tell you, to enable you to emerge out the other side feeling reborn.  

This is for anyone curious about taking a wider, more holistic view of menopause.  

In this episode you will learn:

  • Why we need to talk more openly about menopause.
  • Why women's health gets brushed under the rug.
  • The stages of the menopause transition.
  • Why menopause isn't just an oestrogen deficiency.
  • The menopause seasons, what they represent and what they are trying to tell us.
  • Why relaxation is so important at menopause and how to do it.
  • How you can embark on the journey of uncovering your own medicine of menopause journey. 
  • ...
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How To Achieve More Embodied Pleasure with Jem Ayres


When did we last award someone for being the most orgasmic, pleasure centred human? 

Answer: erm... never.

So where are we supposed to get our inspiration from when it comes to giving ourselves permission to feel good?  Where are the role models?

Enter:  Jem Ayres.  

Jem is a Sexological Bodyworker who pleasured her way out of Stage 4 cancer (along with all the conventional treatments of course).

In this conversation we talk about:

Recovering from Stage 4 cancer
The health benefits of orgasm
Full body orgasm vs genital orgasm
How we learn to 'tolerate' suffering
Do we even look up to role models who endorse pleasure?
How to ensure that chaos can’t touch you
Self development as a 'body' pursuit not just a 'mind' pursuit
Trusting & listening your own body vs the people around you telling you what to feel
Finding pleasure even in pain
Arousal and pleasure are two separate things.
The old idea of sex needing to end in orgasm
Accessing pleasure...

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Surviving Breast Cancer with Kelli Jaecks


Mammograms & scans are important as we get older but despite having one every year, my guest, Kelli Jaecks, discovered she had breast cancer in 2019 resulting in a double mastectomy and breast reconstruction surgery.  

Needless to say, this is a powerful episode.

Kelli is a self-care strategist, published author, professional speaker, and coach. She works with organizations who want to optimize their team’s total wellness so they can have a more productive and engaged workforce. She also coaches groups and individuals to achieve their health and wellness goals.

We talk about:

Breast cancer can still appear even without lumps
 Breast cancer risks are always multi factorial 
 It's not always caused by the HRT
 Having a victor mentality over breast cancer (rather than victim)
 Double Mastectomy and Breast Reconstruction
 The consequences of oestrogen blockers
 The power of routine
 Maintaining positivity and...

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Ditching Outdated Dieting Thinking with Tanja Shaw


Black and white thinking around health, nutrition and weight loss is outdated, outmoded and redundant.  If you think it's just a case of finding enough will power to stick to a diet, then, my friend, I'm afraid you're set up to fail. 

My guest today has built up a credible reputation for helping thousands find a new relationship to food, their bodies and dieting.  

In this conversation we talk about: 

A time redefine ourselves and dieting.
Why we're sociologically conditioned for weight loss.
Re-writing the diet narrative.
Mindful weight loss /  Mindful eating.
The human diet.
Understanding your motivations.
Our relationships to food.
Black and white thinkings vs 'play in the grey' 
Making people with desire & yearning. 
Routine, routine, routine.
Progress over perfection.
But HOW do we accept a body we don't actually like.

So if you're ready to 'play in the grey', come join Tanja and me!

Tanja's Links

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