Has menopause left you feeling very untrusting of your body?
The symptoms! Oh the symptoms! Over 48 of them now last time I looked.
But what are all these symptoms telling us?
That our body is breaking? That our body failing? That we are degenerating?
I have to say, I'm a little more optimistic than that.
What if these symptoms were actually a result of the body trying to heal itself?
If we thought about it that way, how differently might we treat our entire menopausal transition?
My guest today is Sarah Davison, a homeopath specialising in menopause.
In this conversation we talk about...
The two aspects of yourself that need to be included if deep healing is to take place.
An explanation of how homeopathy works that you'll actually get.
The big energy issue that many menopausal women face.
What exactly can homeopathy treat.
The surprising ways you might experience change with homeopathy.
Why homeopathy is...
50% Complete
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