As I sit here writing this, I'm eating my words. If you listen to early episodes of The Menopause Mindset Podcast you'll hear me say in the jingle 'yes you CAN have it all'.
My guest today strongly disagrees and I have to say, so do I now.
I think of that younger version of me with love. She was fresh into peri menopause and fresh into menopause education (with all the enthusiasm that brings) and truthfully she had no idea how menopause would hit her in years to come.
I believe in divine timing and I think this interview with Dr Lisa Petty, couldn't have come at a better time.
Dr Lisa Petty started her career as a holistic nutritionist and health researcher and quickly become recognised as a speaker, journalist and award winning author. She earned a PhD for her research on how midlife women experience self care in the face of social pressure to be perfect in every facet of their lives.
In this conversation we talk about:
😘 The real reason why women can't keep up with their self care.
😘 How choosing to spend your money differently can empower your wellbeing.
😘 Where does this idea of having it all even come from.
😘 How disconnecting from our bodies is wreaking havoc with our minds.
😘 How to stop chasing other people's dreams.
😘 The buffet analogy.
😘 Why it's called a TV 'programme'
😘 What it means to truly let go of our youth
😘 Who is this new version of you and can you love her.
All this and so much more.
So if you're feeling lost and needing a big ole re-set, this episode is for you.
50% Complete
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