Ditching Outdated Dieting Thinking with Tanja Shaw


Black and white thinking around health, nutrition and weight loss is outdated, outmoded and redundant.  If you think it's just a case of finding enough will power to stick to a diet, then, my friend, I'm afraid you're set up to fail. 

My guest today has built up a credible reputation for helping thousands find a new relationship to food, their bodies and dieting.  

In this conversation we talk about: 

A time redefine ourselves and dieting.
Why we're sociologically conditioned for weight loss.
Re-writing the diet narrative.
Mindful weight loss /  Mindful eating.
The human diet.
Understanding your motivations.
Our relationships to food.
Black and white thinkings vs 'play in the grey' 
Making people with desire & yearning. 
Routine, routine, routine.
Progress over perfection.
But HOW do we accept a body we don't actually like.

So if you're ready to 'play in the grey', come join Tanja and me!

Tanja's Links

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Thriving Through Menopause with Beth Wright


How do we become resilient to the challenges of menopause?  Do we do nothing and let it overtake us or do we actively participate to become more adapted to this challenging phase of our lives?

The most helpful narrative I've come across is to be primed and ready for menopause as much as we can in order to avoid the massive pitfalls of ill health that can occur at this time. 

My guest today is Beth Wright, a lawyer by day who moonlights as a Functional Medicine Practitioner and a Health Coach.... and frankly, SHE RIPPED!!

In this episode we chat about:

Holding down a job as a lawyer AND a health coach.
 Muscle as a metabolic and endocrine organ.
 Why generic programs are not a good idea especially during menopause.
 Symptoms tracking.
 The trainer client relationship.
 What is a hormone reset and reboot.
 Why we are programmed to function better in groups.
The reasons why intuitive eating sometimes goes out the...

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