How Menopause Can Help Us Reclaim Our Authenticity

Something’s been grinding my gears. I’m starting to take issue with the so called self development world that does more harm than good in some cases.  If you've seen the Amazon Prime Documentary, The Vow, you'll know what I’m referring to.
Having been a self confessed self development junkie since I was 14 years old, I'm now starting to see how this influence can do some damage to our authenticity especially when it comes to being able to navigate the menopause transition in a healthy way.  
Authenticity says "Hey you...I like you... be more you.... that feeling you're feeling, that's ok... lean into it, listen to it, respect it, honour it, talk about, slow down."

Self development says "Hey you... I like you... but you need to be more X....because that feeling you're feeling is holding you back from something much greater.  That feeling is blocking your success and you want more success don't you?"
Just when I thought I'd seen it all, another layer of the onion was peeled back during a confluence of events that have occured over the last 8 weeks.  
More experiences, more reading, more working with clients, more transparency, all helping to remove the veil over my eyes.
And what I realised is this.  Menopause is the perfect vehicle for us to put the brakes on 'self development' and to accelerate towards authenticity.
So if you're ready to drive towards that place called home, this episode is for you. 
Buy Kate Codrington's Book Second Spring:

Sally’s Links
[Free] Relaxation Hypnosis Recording:
[Free] How to Make Sleep Your Super Power
[Free] Sleep Hypnosis Recording:

How to Create Phenomenal Self Esteem [£47]:
Menopause Wellbeing Practitioner [£74.99]
Rapid Transformational Therapy [£447]:
Menopause Solution Sessions [£147]:
The Sleep Super Power Academy [£497] 

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