Fall asleep and stay asleep every night
(without medication, bags of supplements and the worry about how you will cope tomorrow)
Enrol Now - Because when you need to fix your sleep, you need it NOW!
I know how you feel, insomnia has been my worst menopausal symptom...
The day starts feeling desperate and frustrated as you see the world get going again but you’ve not had a full nights sleep for weeks.
Most of the time you can get off to sleep ok but it’s the waking at 3am that’s the problem. If only you could get back to sleep again. But you can’t because your mind starts thinking, your heart starts racing and you’re worrying about how you’ll cope tomorrow.
You’re surprised at how you make it through the day but not at the cost of forgetting things and an inability to cope with the tiniest of stresses.
As 5pm draws near you start to worry about whether or not you’ll sleep tonight and what the consequences will be if you don’t.
When the time comes, you get into bed but your bed partner falls asleep straight away and the smallest movement they make floods your system with adrenalin. Exacerbated you get up and make a den on the sofa hoping this way you’ll have half a change of getting a few hours in.
There's no need to struggle like this, so let's get you fixed...
So does that feel better?
TheĀ online course teaching you HOW to have great sleep night after night.Ā No waffle, No surplus fluff.Ā
Let's be honest...You're gonna need more than just a few sleep hygiene tips. So here's what I've put together for you so that we can take the time required to treat you holistically
CourseĀ Syllabus
Module 1 [Week 1] -Ā The BasicsĀ
Learn how and why to apply the principles of lifestyle medicine.
Understand that everything is connected.Ā Eg: how you do anything is how you do everything.
Make a declaration of commitment.
Evaluate reasons why you might not be sleeping.
DecideĀ what sleeping 7-8 hours a night will give you.
Implement good sleep hygiene practice.
Understand when to nap & how sleep cycles work.
Know your chronotype.
Strengthen your circadian rhythm
Apply the sleep compression technique (in a non scary way)
Module 2 [Week 2] - The Groundwork
Understand how to lay the foundations of good sleep.
Understand why and how to do a variety of breathing exercises to help regulate nervous system response.
Understand why and how to switch off your muscles and nerves to induce the precursor brain wave state to sleep.
Understand why and how to meditate for sleep.
Understand why and how to use mindfulness techniques.
Learn the basics of Poly Vagal Theory.
Learn about the science of grounding and how to ground.
Learn a simple diagnostic tool to help you maintain your energy balance all through the day.
Evaluate and improve your work life balance.
Learn why and how to do conscious contemplation and mind wandering.
[Week 3 - Suggested Integration Week]
Module 3 [Week 4] - How To Sleep
Learn 4 simple rules of the mind pertaining to sleep.
Understand why you need a sleep routine and how to get one.
Learn how to think differently about sleep.
Learn how to get back to sleep if you wake up.
Learn how to set yourself up for sleep success first thing in the morning.
Understand how and why you might be sabotaging your sleep.
[Week 5 - Suggested Integration Week]
Module 4 [Week 6]Ā - Movement, Mindset & Nutrition.
Learn why exercise is the most important thing for the sleep deprived.
Learn my Gentle Energy Balancing Exercise technique.
Learn a few resistance training tips for tired people.
Learn some perspective shifts that help you to cope with stress better.
Learn about what to eat and what supplements are good for sleep sufferers.
[Week 7 - Suggested Integration Week]
Module 5 [Week 8] - Relationships & Communication
Learn how to let go of control and let life support you so that your nervous system can relax.Ā
Learn how to find more connection & belonging in your life so that you can let go of hyper vigilance and feelĀ safer.
Learn the basics of non violent communication to help diffuse red hot emotions that keep you up at night.
[Weeks 9 - 12 - Suggested Integration Weeks]
Bonus Content
Simple Kundalini Yoga For Sleep with Zoe Swan
Fung Shui Bedroom Ideas with Maria Green
Why Breathing Matters with Breath Gal
Sleep Optimisation with Angus Buckle
Aromatherapy for Restfulness with Basma Gale
Alexander Technique with Gregg Issacson
Facial Massage and Hands on Self Healing with Sheena Hudson
Discounted Price Available Now
Here's what some of the alumni are saying
Emma Harris
"I didn’t know what to expect but I’ve been blown away. It goes way beyond anything I’ve tried. Having the Live Support Sessions has been brilliant and to have a one to one is a really special thing. I’ve not ever done a course with so much touch time. It’s actually very rare for people to finish a course and the fact that we’re all still here is, is a testament to how good it is because when you’re doing the deep work like this, it’s very important. It’s inspiring to see how others have improved their sleep as well, which helps me see how real and possible it is."
"Wow. This has been such a journey. I could never have envisaged how massively wide this would go. It has absolutely blown my mind. It’s been the most fantastic experience. Sally literally gave us HER and that stands out a mile. She has been so wanting of us to move forward. It’s really touched me. I can feel the support and I know she’d shift heaven and earth for us if she could. For 12 years I’d been stuck and yes I’ve had amazing medical professionals physically helping me but mentally I wasn’t able to move forward. There was a block and this course looks at so many different things including the way you live your day, it gives you such a lot of awareness. It’s been massive in moving me forward in a way that I really needed that the doctors could not provide, for all their amazing talents, there was a level there that they couldn’t help me with. And being able to discuss it in a group is really powerful in it’s own right. The Live Support Sessions have been amazing, everybody has been so open and willing to share. Thank you, it’s been incredible."
Ellen Cubbin
"At first I was unsure about whether to do the course but with Sally’s help I settled into it and I’m really glad I did it now. I feel like I believe in my sleep more now, it’s become more of a solid thing and less of a fragile thing. The course has been so much deeper than anything I’ve come across before. I read two books about sleep which helped, but this goes much deeper. There were self care principles that had been on my list to look into more, but not in the context of solving the sleep issue, but Sally helped me to see the link between all the pieces. I’m really glad I did the course."
Your Questions Answered
Why is there no group coaching on this course anymore?
I've had insomnia for 30 years. I tried everything. How can your course help?
When will I notice a difference in my sleep?
Do I have lifetime access to the course?
I'm not very tech savvy. Do I need to be?
How is the course delivered?
The Sleep Super Power Academy is PERFECT for you if....
1. You’re ready to be supported with your sleep instead of trying to find the solutions by yourself, looking here there and everywhere online whilst getting more and more frustrated (the emotion of which makes sleep even more elusive).
2. You’re ready to do some deep inner emotional work instead of relying on quick fix solutions like CBD oil and melatonin that might work short term but don’t offer a long term sustainable plan that you can RELY on night after night.
3. You’re ready to join other people I’ve helped who now have great sleep night after night enabling them to perform at their best all through the day.
4. You’re ready to ditch the belief that ‘there’s no solution to my insomnia’ and open yourself up to the possibility of superb sleep on the regular.
5. You’re ready to start APPLYING what you already know (and what you learn in this course) to your life rather than it just being ‘an idea, a tip or a hack’ that’s left hanging.
6. You’re ready to personify the belief that knowledge in action is way powerful that knowledge alone.
7. You’re ready to quit the self sabotage (and the belief that ‘life has to be a struggle’) so that you can have phenomenal sleep and actually receive the gifts that life is waiting in the wings to offer you.
More results from the alumni
Evie Muirhead
Sally has put so much great content into this, it really is a good course and I highly recommend it to others. I have got a lot out of it. I’ve loved the group dynamic and getting to know people through the Live Support Sessions, I’ve found it very supportive indeed and helpful for my sleep. It’s great we’ve got the modules that we can go back to because I’m aware that as we listen to them again we’ll hear other things.
Yasmine Hafed
Honestly, I didn’t expect much because I’d tried so many things but, on this course I learned so much more than expected. At the beginning I didn’t understand why I had troubles with sleep (which came in cycles) but now I fully understand why. Setting a time for us to meet each week to talk about what’s been going on with our sleep has been very helpful because I don’t know a lot of people who have sleep troubles and it was great to feel that I was not alone. Everything about the course was very helpful and it really did improve my sleep. My sleep is so much better and it’s so different to how it was at the beginning. I acknowledge that I need to keep these good habits going but I don’t feel frustrated or helpless anymore.
Katy S
This course has really helped me to understand this idea of self responsibility. It IS down to us and no quick fix is going to cure our sleep. What I love about this course is, you’ve got the science side, the spiritual side, the self care side and the psychology side of things, so we’re helped to understand ourselves fully and what our triggers might be. I feel like I’ve learned so much, it’s been incredible how much I’ve learnt. If this would have been a course with a large company I wouldn’t have got as much out of it. Because numbers are kept small, it’s been great to get to know everyone and that’s helped so much.
I'm always more than happy to hear from you with any questions or queries and, you'll be pleased to know that my response time is always same day.
More Successful Slumberers
Ashley Baldwin
"It's been amazing working with you Sally. I’m sleeping 7-8 hours a night now. I’m back to normal with no waking up at 2.30am anxious, (which went on for 5 months). Once again you’ve worked miracles!"
"I am sleeping so much better but the revelation is this. I am no longer afraid of not sleeping well or long enough because I know now that I'll be fine. It won't ruin me for several days. I don't remember a time in my life where I've felt so peaceful and content on little sleep so I'm not fearful of the next time and ironically, this revelation is helping me sleep better."
Suzanne Cheal
“I was worried about sleeping while I was away from my family on an acting job for 3 months but working with Sally helped me to see things very differently and gave me to tools to cope much better. I sleep well every night now.”