Breaking Through Auto Immune Issues with VJ Hamilton


Why is menopause a risk factor for increased auto immune issues?  

In today's episode we'll find out.  

My guest today, VJ Hamilton, was just seven years old when she first discovered a patch of alopecia at the back of her head.  While there was a genetic component to this, during her adult life, her symptoms become worse, ranging from joint pain to extreme fatigue and psoriasis. 

Unable to resign herself to the fact that there was nothing she could do, she decided to take matters into her own hands.  

Today, after 7 years, she lives symptom free. 

VJ is a autoimmune nutritionist and in our conversation together we discussed:

πŸ€“ How our hormone changes can make trigger auto immune issues.
πŸ€“ Symptoms of auto immune issues.
πŸ€“ How a functional approach can help you become symptom free.
πŸ€“ Swapping handbags for health.
πŸ€“ How to keep healthy practices up for the long term.
πŸ€“ The genetic component of auto immune issues.
πŸ€“ Why the immune system over reacts.
πŸ€“ Why DNA testing is useful (and you only need to do it once).
πŸ€“ The effect of Adverse Childhood Experiences on our immune response.
πŸ€“ Why adding potent powders as a first port of call can be helpful.
πŸ€“ Stabilising blood sugar.
πŸ€“ Why probiotics might not be the answer. 
πŸ€“ Stool tests for leaky gut.
πŸ€“ Household and airborne toxins.
πŸ€“ Alcohol - yes or no?

So if you're ready to create a safe internal environment for your cells, then this 1 hour episode is for you. 

VJ's Links:

Sally’s Links
[Free] Relaxation Hypnosis Recording:
[Free] How to Make Sleep Your Super Power
[Free] Sleep Hypnosis Recording:

How to Create Phenomenal Self Esteem [£47]:
Menopause Wellbeing Practitioner [£74.99]
Rapid Transformational Therapy [£447]:
Menopause Solution Sessions [£147]:
The Sleep Super Power Academy [£497] 

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