The Placebo Effect: How to Positively Affect Your Menopause

"It’s all in your mind". That’s what was previously thought about the placebo effect, but according to much research, we know that’s not true.
There are real molecular changes that happen in the brain and body when someone is given a placebo.   
What we’re really talking about here is the power of 'expectation', and the chemical changes that happen in the body as a result of a positive or negative expectation that we have about a drug or a complementary therapy.  It's actually flipping amazing.
The question is then, can we tap into expectation, belief and conditioning to help us have a better menopause experience?
I think we can.
I don’t have all the answers, but I do have some suggestions. 
If you’re curious like me and believe that the power to positively affect our health is in our hands, you might like this video.
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