How to Ease and Manage Joint Pain


Are you creaking like a haunted house every time you get up from the sofa?  Moving around like you’re 101 is no fun (especially when you’re only 45)! 

Joint pain & stiffness is one of the lesser known symptoms of peri menopause. 

This is for you if: 

You’re approaching mid life and your joints are aching more than normal.  You’re unaware that joint pain and stiffness is a symptom of peri menopause.  You’re worried about joint pain and stiffness and wondering what you can do about it.   You’re interested in the underlying emotional reason for joint stiffness. 

In this episode we go through 7 things we can do to help. 

We discuss: 

👉physiotherapy, the pros and cons. 
👉what type of movement you need to be doing 
👉the underlying emotion imbalance and 
👉we discuss an interesting experiment which highlights how unconscious ‘guarding’ affects the joints. 

I also chat to you briefly about some spinal surgery that I had and how I recovered quickly.  



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