The growth mindset has dug me out of a few crises, especially recently.
You see, over the last year, I went down a big rabbit hole into systemic oppression, patriarchy….that kind of thing.
I did some major deconstruction of my biases, as a therapist, that's REALLY important.
The idea about 'smashing the patriarchy' found me through the work I do in the menopause space. Before that, I was 100% growth mindset and believed that no matter what the circumstances, ANYONE could make positive changes in their own lives.
At first I found the whole patriarchy thing incredibly validating but after a while it started to depress me. I could only take so much. It’s heavy shit and changes absolutely EVERYTHING you thought you ever knew.
You really need to take a breath and take a moment.
It was completely necessary though and I learnt so much about my privilege, decolonisation, social determinants of health,...
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